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Reshaping your future career

Uncertainty is often the biggest threat to career progression. We live in a constantly evolving world, so gaining a sense of control over your future, can often ease the stress of uncertainty.

We’re almost at the end of the year, a time when some of us start to reflect on what we’ve achieved – or not – in preparation for identifying goals for next year. Even if you’re not someone who would normally do this, or you make the kind of resolutions which are quickly broken, I’d advise you to do things differently this year.

Why? Because if the last eighteen months has taught us anything, it’s the value of self-awareness in order to live the kind of life we really value. One of the biggest regrets people have, is not being brave enough to do the one they really wanted. So, in your reflections, I’d love to invite you to think about what this would mean to you, in your life, and in your career?

Non-linear career progression

Everything has changed, or is in the process of changing: from how and where we work, to the opportunities opening up to us; we no longer start and finish in one line of vocation. At the same time, the nature of a “typical work-day” has drastically changed: The rule-book was ripped-up when the world closed-down, and virtual life opened-up. So, what does your typical work day look like, and does it match what you envisaged? If not, what steps do you need to take to change it?

Reinventing yourself

Self-reflection can be uncomfortable – it forces us to look deeply into who we are; no holds barred, no stone unturned. It means shining a mirror on every aspect of who we are, if we are truly going to embrace a better version of ourselves, and move into the realm of a satisfying life. This often involves looking at how others respond to you, as well as how you influence those around you – are you a mood hoover, or do you inspire others?

Sometimes, it helps to have someone you can trust to hold up a mirror to help you see what others see. As a life and career coach, I can help you face up to any unhealthy habits which may have sneaked in, leaving you better able to avoid your distractions and play to your strengths so you can set achievable goals and become the person you aspire to be.

Standing in your power

What does it mean for you to stand in your power? From my perspective, it means you learn how to silence your inner critic, creating a healthier perception of who you are and what you are actually capable of. It means rewriting your inner dialogue to focus on what you can do, and what you do well, rather than what you think you can’t do. With my guidance, we’ll look at your sphere of influence, and help you discover a greater level of self-awareness, so you can conquer the fears which have been holding you back.

When it comes to making a significant career decision- don’t be controlled by self-limiting beliefs. I can help you make decisions based on limitless possibilities, rather than anxiety, fear of failure, or self-doubt. I’ve seen others surprise themselves once they embraced their inner confidence. Let this be your experience too!

Looking for support with reshaping your career? Please get in touch- I’d love to hear from you!

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