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After a career break, what’s next for you?

If you’re coming to the end of a career break after life at home with the kids, you may feel a bit lost as to what to do next. Here are my tips for making the transition into the future you deserve.

Career break advice

When you’ve invested your time and energy into raising your family, it can feel difficult adjusting to life without little ones at home. Especially for parents who’ve put their lives on hold to work flexibly around their children’s needs. But, you’ve done it! Now it’s time to turn some of your focus back to yourself.

For some parents, learning to reconnect back to who they are and what they want from their life can be challenging after thinking about their children for so long. This is particularly true when it comes to considering your career: What do you want to do, now that you have the choice? Where do you see yourself heading in the next few years? Rather than feeling overwhelmed, I’d like to offer you some self-awareness guidance, so you can make confident, guilt-free decisions.

Transitioning back to you

Your new chapter doesn’t have to be tainted with guilt – it’s ok to think about you again! Your happiness is also going to impact your children in a positive way, and having the right mindset will help you accept a new version of yourself as a parent AND an individual.

Have a think about what would you really love to do? What have you learnt about yourself from raising children? What’s changed within you? It’s not always easy to answer these questions, and a lot of parents worry they’ve somehow fallen behind their peers in the workplace after so long at home. But we all have a journey that teaches us many different lessons, and raising a family certainly carries with it many challenges that help us grow as a person.

Reconnecting with yourself, as an individual, can be a wonderful process to experience. You can redefine who you are: your passions, your desires, and your future – then live your life connected to all the different roles you may undertake.

Transitioning into the future you want

As a parent myself, I understand the sacrifices we make when our children are young. I returned to work early after both my first wo children and I was wracked with guilt about it. I felt bad for wanting to be back amongst the adults, and worried that my children would know this! But in hindsight there was no right or wrong choice. We all do what works for us and we show our children we love them in the process. I speak with many parents who chose to put their lives on hold for the children, and now the future is a bit of a haze. But once we learn to step back into ourselves again we can have the best of both worlds.

There’s a lot to think about in making the transition though, and having someone beside you can help to clear the fog a little; giving you the encouragement and confidence to need. This is where coaching comes in; providing you with greater clarity as to what direction you want to go in. It may not be an immediate revelation, but with time, and the right questions, you can start to work towards a future where you’ll thrive.

Redefining your future in this way empowers you to set actionable goals, and then take steps toward achieving them. Doing something for yourself brings a real sense of reward as you progress. Especially when the roles you never thought would be open to you, are suddenly within your reach.

Transitioning into a new way of living

This is an exciting new chapter you’ve embarked on. It can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re someone who enjoys routine, or struggles with change. But, suddenly, you have time! You have the space to develop, to explore, to learn.

As a Life and Career Coach, I’ll help you shine a light on the parts of you which you need to tune into. The parts of you which will need some of your attention, as you realign who you are after the career break. Reaffirming your skills and talents doesn’t always come easy – especially for women. So, having the space to do so is incredibly energizing. Become the kind of leader, manager, or person you aspire to be, by recognising the skills you’ve acquired over the years. Then put them to work for you.

Want to explore further?

I can help you become the best version of yourself, especially if you’ve been feeling a little lost or unsure. This new chapter is an exciting time for you- let’s make sure you feel it!


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