Hello Flexibles.
Hello Flexibles' are a trusted packaging supplier with 30 years experience working within the food and packaging arena.
Hello Flexibles were looking for help with...
Redefining their culture for a post-pandemic world in order to support flexible working and increase employee engagement.
So we...
Began by running a culture assessment to provide the CEO with a clear view of where the key opportunities were for adapting existing ways of working to better suit the changed world of work post-pandemic. From the assessment output, we worked alongside the HR team, redesigning and improving several existing HR processes to realign the culture such as: creating and launching a new approach to working flexibly, including manager training to support remote working patterns; a new approach for identifying and developing talent across the business; revised competency frameworks with an improved evaluation criteria for performance management, and employee training sessions covering advice and support for working remotely.
Together we achieved:
The successful implementation of a new culture for the business where remote and flexible working were encouraged and supported
Increased reported engagement rates across the employee population
A more aligned and committed leadership team when it comes to supporting and managing employees with working flexibly
An increase in staff retention
Key deliverables:
Culture assessment findings report and facilitated walkthrough sessions
A forward plan for improving culture
A new flexible working policy and approach
Manager training
A new talent identification approach
Revised competency frameworks
Revised performance evaluation criteria
"Ways of working changed in 2020- I wanted to ensure my team and my business were supported as we adapted to this new world. Proud Consulting helped me rethink the people strategy for my growing business. By assessing what is important to the business and everyone in it we were able to see clearly what we had to do to manage process and ways of working to ensure everyone is aligned and on the journey together."
- Malcolm MacKenzie, CEO